
There’s A Reason  For The Season

As far as sales go, December can be a big month for retail merchants and other businesses.

December is a time when many of us are reflecting on the year that’s almost done. What did we do right? What could we have done better? It’s also a time to think about the year ahead. A brand, spanking new year to shape just as we want. What will we do differently?

But December is also a great time to connect with customers and remind them how special they are to you.

Reach out to your customers this month. Wish them a wonderful holiday. Express your wishes for the best of the new year to them. Whatever you do, connect. Remind them that you’re more than a business. You’re a place of business with a team of one or more people, who care about your customers as individuals.

So, call. Mail a holiday or New Year’s card. Send e-greetings. That personal touch is an important part of doing business. And it’s just good business sense.


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