A New Year’s Plan for Success

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

 Mary Oliver

It’s been said that most people spend more time planning a party than they do their own lives.

The New Year is well under way and if you’re like so many people, including moi, you’re still wondering how to make the most of it.

Too often,  people wake up one day and say, ‘hey, where did all the time go?’ No one wants to regret the time they spent here on Earth. We all get 24 hours a day. It seems to me, success is really about time management and choice.  We can choose to waste our time or, we can plan, set goals and achieve.

A colleague stopped by the other day with a Passion Planner. It’s a day timer with a difference.  It contains a calendar and inspirational quotes but more than that, the owner is encouraged to address personal roadblocks, whether real or imagined, and dream and set goals within the Planner’s pages. It makes sense to use any available tool that will help in setting and achieving goals.

Another adage that I’ve always liked is this one: Fail to plan and you plan to fail.

So, this year, I’m going to do my best to remember my personal Passion Plan. Focus on what you want; where you want to go; develop new habits; take action; have fun and create positive change.

At the end of the year, I hope we’ll all celebrate 2017 as a great year for both setting and achieving goals.

Happy New Year!

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